Copy Content: now it works with multiple files at once.
Fixed bug: on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista the commands did not work with more than 16 files selected in Windows Explorer when the visual styles are disabled.
Minor bug fixes.
Added support to run FileMenu Tools from portable devices. You can download FileMenu Tools Portable from the download page. From the FileMenu Tools configurator you can export the settings to a INI file into the folder where FileMenu Tools Portable is installed, so you can use FileMenu Tools Portable with your current settings. You must copy the INI file to a file named "settings.ini" into the folder "[drive]\PortableApps\FileMenuTools\Data". FileMenu Tools Portable is compatible with both launchers and CodySafe, and therefore FileMenu Tools will be displayed automatically in the app listing in these launchers.
Added new utility: Unpack Folder. This utility moves all the elements into the selected folders to the parent folder, and deletes these empty folders.
Added a new property for all the commands: Modifier Key. This property is available for all the commands (both built-in commands and custom commands). With this property you can set a modifier key for the command, and the command only will be showed in the context menu if this key is pressed while the menu is displaying. So you can assign a key for less commonly used commands, and by default the context menu displays only frequently used commands. The key can be any of the following: SHIFT, CONTROL, or WINDOWS. If you set this property to "None" (default), then the command always will be displayed in the context menu.
Added a new variable for custom commands: %PARENTPATH%. This variable is the parent folder path which is common to all the selected elements. The variable %FOLDERPATH% now is the selected folder path, if only a element is selected and is a folder, else is equal to %PARENTPATH% (common parent path).
Minor bug fixes.
Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: did not work on Windows XP.
Fixed bug in Copy To and Move To: the Windows Explorer crashed when a folder was created.
Fixed bug in custom commands: when asking for arguments, the application was run if the "Cancel" button was pushed.
Fixed bug in configuration window: when the name of a custom command was been edited and other command was selected, then this command got the same name which was been edited.
Fixed bug in Split Files: the parts were not correctly joined.
Fixed bug in Shredder: didn't work correctly with small files.
Fixed bug in Create New Folder: create new folder into UNC paths did not work.
Split Files: now the number of parts is calculated automatically, and it is not necessary to push the Update button
New utility: Create Symbolic Link. This utility lets you create symbolic links referenced to the selected elements. Only it works on Windows Vista and later.
New utility: Calculate and Verify Checksum. This utility lets you verify the integrity of files by calculating their checksums. It supports the following algorithms: MD5, SHA1.
Custom commands: by default the initial folder is the parent folder when only a folder is selected in the Windows Explorer.
Custom commands: added new property Run as administrator. If this property is checked, then the program is run with administrator privileges. This is useful on Windows Vista and Windows 7 when UAC (User Account Control) is activated and the program needs perform changes in the machine which require administrator privileges.
Added the following improvements in Advanced Renamer:
It is possible to rename recusively into subfolders.
Now the preview is not updated automatically, because it was very slow with a lot files. A new button has been added in order to update the preview manually.
Include specific tags of photos: width, height, captured date and captured time.
Include specific tags of MP3 files (ID3 tags): title, artist, album, year, genre, track, comment, length, bitrate and sample rate.
Only for Windows 7: the Windows Explorer icon on the taskbar displays now a progress bar when an action of FileMenu Tools displays a progress bar. So you can see the progress when the Windows Explorer is not the foreground window.
Copy Internet Path: standarized the Internet path. The character / is used instead of \, and also the special characters are replaced with the hexadecimal value.