This custom command type lets you copy or move specific file types to a folder.

You can configure the following specific properties:

Target Folder

The folder where the selected elements will be copied/moved to. Click over the right side button to insert the supported variables with the help of the variables window. You can include the following variables:

  • %DRIVE%: drive letter which is common to the all selected elements.
  • %FOLDERPATH%: if only a folder is selected in Windows Explorer, then this variable is this folder, else this variable is the parent folder path which is common to all the selected elements.
  • %PARENTPATH%: parent folder path which is common to all the selected elements.
  • %FOLDERNAME%: name of the parent folder.
  • %RELPATH%: parent folder path without drive.
  • %FILEPATHn%: full path of the element at position n.
  • %FILENAMEn%: name of the element at position n.
  • %FILETITLEn%: title (name without extension) of the element at position n.
  • %FILEEXTn%: extension of the element at position n.
  • %TARGET...%: if you add the prefix TARGET to any above variable, then if you select shortcuts in the Windows Explorer, the variable will access to the target files of the shortcuts.

File Types

The file types to copy/move. There are three options: all files, only files match the filters, or only files does not match the filters. If you choose any of last two options, you must specify the file types.


If "Yes", when coping/moving an existing file, you will be asked if the file must be overwritten or not.

Open target folder

If "Yes" then a new instance of Windows Explorer will be open with the target folder.